Please consider donating food items from the list below, brand names are not necessary. Monetary donations also accepted, click below to give online. Donations can also be dropped off in the Parish Office, please label envelope "Backsnack Ministry".
A $25 donation will fill one backpack for a student in need.
Thank you for your consideration!
List of needed food items:
Instant Oatmeal Packets (any flavor)
Granola Bars, Protein Bars or Cereal Bars
Single serve breakfast cereal boxes or cups
Peanut butter (16 oz. plastic jar)
Macaroni and Cheese single serve cups
Microwaveable, non-refrigerated meal cans or cups (example: Ravioli, soups, Hormel stew, etc.)
Fruit cans or cups (small)
Vegetable cans or cups (small)
Raisin boxes (lunchbox size)
Canned tuna