LIGHT OF THE WORLD ENSEMBLE / Come sing music of West and Central Africa! Meet in the Choir Loft at 4:00 pm. Click headline above for more information.
Monday, October 19, 7:30 p.m. at Hope Lutheran Church in Shawnee, Kansas, featuring organist Michael Bauer, Professor of Organ and Church Music at the University of Kansas. Free admission. Click headline above for more information.
Olivier Latry, Organist of Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris to perform at the Bales Organ Recital Hall at KU. Click on headline above for more information.
On Sunday evening, November 1, at 7:00 p.m., the men, women, boys and girls of the St. Michael Choir and Orchestra will present a sacred concert featuring Fauré Requiem, along the solemn reading of our Parish Necrology. Come remember and pray for your own beloved dead. Click headline above for more information.
On Sunday evening, November 22, at 7:00 p.m., the new Archdiocesan Choir of Kansas City in Kansas, together with the Polyphonic Ensemble Sursum Corda and The St. Michael Choir, will present a concert of sacred music in honor of the patron saint of music and musicians, St. Cecilia. Click headline above for more information.
for Sunday Evening Mass and at all other Masses: Ushers, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Greeters, Lectors, Altar Servers and Sacristans. Click headline above for more information.
Three or four people needed each week for an hour to arrange fresh-cut flowers for the altar and to care for plants in the church. Click headline for more information.