We reflected on what are the most important initiatives we could undertake to strengthen St. Michael parish. To help answer this question, an organization called Casting Nets led our parish through a pastoral planning process. With the help of a focus group of parishioners, feedback and input through listening sessions, and a parish wide survey, three super-priorities were identified for the parish: (1) Deepening Spirituality (2) Evangelization, and (3) Strengthening Marriage and Family life.
Please view the entire Pastoral Plan here
Many of the initiatives mentioned in this pastoral plan are already underway. In addition, parish-wide goals under each of these super-priorities have been planned in consultation with the Parish Council and many will be implemented this year. Please look for more information with specific details and dates throughout the year. Also, each parish ministry or committee should also set goals in keeping with these super-priorities.
Thanks to all who worked so hard to assist with developing this pastoral plan! Through the intercession of St. Michael may God bless our parish family.