The Vocations Ministry promotes religious vocations to the youth of the parish and provides education to all parishioners regarding vocations through the following programs: Project Andrew for high school boys, the Vocations Club, the Vocations Crucifix Program, Club 31 (praying for vocations), Serra Club, Vocation Essay, Holy Thursday where the kids do an appreciation of the priests, Encounter with God's Call (follow up to Project Andrew), the Archbishop's Quo Vadis Retreat, Priest Appreciation Weekend, and other activities brought to our attention through the Archdiocese Vocations Office.
Please contact Mike & Sharon Costello for more information: [email protected]
Prayer card for vocations here.
Club 31 is a prayer program in which parishioners choose a specific day of the month to pray for priestly and religious vocations. There are no meetings, just remember to pray for vocations on your alloted day.
To join Club 31 and pray for vocations, contact Al Hapke at [email protected]
The Seven Sisters Apostolate was started in 2010 in Minnesota by Janette Howe. It was brought to St. Michael in 2021. Contact Amy Gallagher with interest [email protected]
For more specific information about the Apostolate please visit the website: